edgeMED Help Center > Practice Management > Billing

Accessing patient ledger.

Click on Reports in the Navigation Bar at the top of the screen and then click Patient Ledger. The patient ledger allows for a search of a specific patient’s transactions.

Click on Reports in the Navigation Bar at the top of the screen and then click Patient Ledger. The patient ledger allows for a search of a specific patient’s transactions.


Once the patient’s encounters have populated, you will next select an encounter. The specifics for the selected encounter will appear below.

Statements: Patient invoice of visit and services

Encounters: Summary of patient’s visit including prices of services and diagnosis/procedure codes

Claims: An encounter turned into a claim to be sent out to payers

This report allows efficient access to all patient details in a timely manner. Other systems will require the user to scroll to find older encounters.

PP: Patient Payment
IP: Insurance Payment
PF: Patient Fund
PS: Print Statement
SQ: Statement Queue


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