edgeMED Help Center > Patient Portal > PHR

Your patient's virtual visit is just a click away.

Launch Appointment in the PHR

Patients can see which appointments are online and quickly launch their appointment right from the patient portal. Please note, this feature is available for customers using our Electronic Health Records (EHR).

Stop answering the question "Is this a telehealth visit?"

We've made it easier than ever for your patients to see exactly what they need to do for their appointment - show up at the office or log in online.

Wherever your patient is checking the PHR for their appointment details, they'll now see a link for "Launch Telehealth" if it's a virtual appointment.


Prevent Missed Appointments

You'll never have to hear "I couldn't find the link" again! With one click from the PHR dashboard or appointments page, your patient can directly launch their telehealth appointment.