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ID proofing troubleshooting and FAQs.

  • The DEA requires all electronic prescribing vendors to conduct identity proofing before issuing an EPCS token to a provider for two-factor authentication. This prevents controlled substance prescribing by individuals who are not appropriately credentialed by the DEA. SureScripts also requires all electronic prescribing vendors to have a physician representative from the practice undergo identity proofing at the time of enrollment.

  • Our ID proofing process is not a credit check. No hard or soft inquiries will appear on your credit report. We are partnered with Experian to verify your identity based on how you answer questions about the information included in your credit report.

  • If you have a freeze on your credit report, you'll still need to complete the one-time ID proofing process. You can temporarily lift a freeze from your account, prior to completing one-time ID proofing by using the link below. If you prefer not to remove the freeze, you will need to go through the ID proofing process until you receive the failure notification. Once this happens, our Resolution Team will be able to see that you have a credit freeze and can override this process for you.

    Temporarily lift a security freeze on your Experian credit report

  • If you've recently changed any of your personal information, your current name or address may not be reflected on your Experian credit report yet. You can still complete one-time ID proofing using your previous information or have your Experian credit report updated prior to completing ID proofing.

    Get a free copy of your Experian credit report

  • If you don't know or if you're unsure of any information included on your credit report, use the link below to request a free copy of your credit report directly from Experian.

    Get a free copy of your Experian credit report

  • We ask for users to provide a personal credit card to assist with expediting the one-time ID proofing process. Providing your personal credit card number allows us to confirm your identity with fewer questions. This information is not a requirement and you can skip those questions if you prefer not to provide the information.

  • If you don't have a credit card, you can still complete one-time ID proofing. Credit card information is optional, so simply leave those fields blank to proceed with one-time ID proofing.

  • Choosing what type of EPCS token to get depends on how you plan on using our system for ePrescribing.

    If you get a hard token:

    * You'll need a separate token for each software username you prescribe from. The hard token is ideal for providers who are only using a single username with our system.

    * You'll be able to prescribe from either the desktop or mobile app. Since the DEA requires that the token be a separate device from the one used to send the prescription, a hard token is needed to send a prescription from our mobile application.

    * If you frequently replace your cell phone, the hard token is best. The soft token is non-transferrable between mobile devices, so it will need to be re-downloaded, registered, and activated each time you replace your phone.

    If you get a soft token:

    * You'll easily be able to toggle between tokens for more than one username in our system. The soft token is ideal for providers who have multiple logins to prescribe from.

    * The device you prescribe with and the device you authenticate with must be separate, this is a DEA requirement. You will need to use a separate device or laptop/desktop to queue prescriptions. You can not use our mobile app and soft token on the same device.

  • Yes! The first step for this is to complete one-time ID proofing. Once you reach the token selection screen, you'll be prompted to request your EPCS tokens. Complete this process for both a hard token and a soft token if you want both.

  • Once you have successfully completed one-time ID proofing and selected your token type, your token is automatically added to our queue for provisioning. Tokens are provisioned on the same day as the token is requested. If ID proofing is completed after hours (on a weekend or after 5 p.m. ET), your token will be provisioned on the following business day.

    If you selected an EPCS soft token, you will receive an email containing your token download within 24 hours of provisioning. Our Token Team will also provide a separate email containing your next step instructions.

    If you selected an EPCS hard token, your token will be shipped via UPS on the day it is provisioned. Shipping times vary, depending on the delivery address, but hard tokens are typically delivered within five to seven business days.

  • Token activation links come from SafeNet. If you have not received this link, please check your spam folder first. If you are still unable to locate it, please contact help@edgemed.com.

  • Each token activation link only lasts for 10 days. If the token link is expired, please reach out to help@edgemed.com for a new activation link!

  • If you received a failure notification for the one-time ID proofing process, contact our edgeMED Customer Care to determine your next steps. If you have a credit freeze, our team will be able to override ID proofing for you. If you have entered information incorrectly, our Customer Care will be able to assist you.


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