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Check-in for your appointment.

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Launch your appointment

Start Check-in

You can only check into an appointment on the day for which it's scheduled.

On the Appointments page, click Check-in to the right of the appointment you have scheduled today.

Sign Consent Forms

You will automatically be prompted with any unsigned consent forms. Check the agreement to sign electronically and type your name in the text box. When done, click Sign.

Complete Intake Forms

Once you have signed all consent forms, you will be prompted to complete any outstanding intake forms. Fill in your information and click Submit at the bottom of the form.

Pay Balance

If your provider is enrolled with payment processing and you have an outstanding balance, you'll be redirected to the online bill pay page to make a payment on your account.

Learn more about bill pay.

Launch Your Appointment

Once you've completed all forms, you'll be checked in for your appointment. If your appointment is for a telehealth visit, click Launch Appointment to launch it directly from your patient portal account.